Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Peace

The proclamation of Christmas Peace, a tradition in Finland since the Middle Ages:

"Tomorrow, God willing, is the most gracious feast of the birth of our Lord and Saviour, and therefore a general Christmas peace is hereby declared, and all persons are directed to observe this holiday with due reverence and otherwise quietly and peacefully to conduct themselves, for whosoever breaks this peace and disturbs the Christmas holiday by any unlawful or improper conduct shall be liable, under aggravating circumstances, to whatever penalty is prescribed by law and decree for each particular offence or misdemeanor. Finally, all citizens are wished a joyous Christmas holiday."

This give of course good reason for kids to be on best behaviour or they just may spend Christmas in a Finnish jail cell without presents. So the declaration was made in Tuku today at noon and we've been very good and aren't working.

Santa even dropped by some friend's house and handed out gifts to the kids. The kids know that Oulu is the first stop after Rovanieme so he comes in the late afternoon on Christmas eve. Though we aren't sure if he uses the reindeer or just saves them for international travel. I think he just drive a pick-up truck in Finland.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Disco! Finnish Style

I haven't been to any dance clubs yet, but in case I need to prepare I have a lesson review.